I have made commissions for public as well as private spaces, both large and small. Please contact me if you are interested.

Spinning Towards a New Normal / 2022 / Reed, wood, data / 20” x 20” x 25” / This piece for the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin translates Covid-19 infection, death rates and vaccination rates for Germany, Italy and Spain from March 2020-Feb 2022.

The Persistence of Play / 2012 / Steel, reed, paper, data / 180”x180”x180” / Public Art Commission for Massachusetts College of Art : 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA / The Persistence of Play is a whimsical, idiosyncratic, data-driven look at the history of MassArt.

The Persistence of Play - Detail / 2012 / Steel, reed, paper, data / 180”x180”x180” / Public Art Commission for Massachusetts College of Art : 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA.

Between The Covers / 2019 / Paper / Seven boxes 18"x30" / Site-specific commission for library room in Bower Condominiums: 771 Beacon Street, Boston. / A piece that illustrates the wonder of reading and "falling" into a story.

Between The Covers - Detail / 2019 / Paper / Seven boxes 18"x30" / Site-specific commission for library room in Bower Condominiums: 771 Beacon Street, Boston

The Watchers of Copley Square / 2016 / Reed, wood, paper, data / 25”x25”x28” / This piece examines the evolution of surveillance of the last 15 years in one of the most well known public space in Boston: Copley Square.

Some Stayed, Some Left and Some Have Yet to Come / 2015 / Rope, wood, paper, data / 108”x108”x12” / A wall piece that translates data related to the ever evolving South End neighborhood in Boston / Commission for lounge area at the Troy Condominiums: 55 Traveler Street, Boston.

Some Stayed, Some Left and Some Have Yet to Come - Detail / 2015 / Rope, wood, paper, data / 108”x108”x12”

The Invisible Threads That Build A Larger Whole - Detail / 2018 / Paper / 600”x180”x4” / Facebook Artist-In-Residency Commission: 100 Binney Street, Cambridge, MA.

The Invisible Threads That Build A Larger Whole - Detail / 2018 / Paper / 600”x180”x4” / Facebook Artist-In-Residency Commission: 100 Binney Street, Cambridge, MA.