During 2006-2008, I spent two years on Cape Cod, recording weather and ocean data from Herring Cove Beach, which were then translated into the sculptures.

Solar Beginnings of Everything that Changes / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 56”x66”x27” / This piece translates data related to recorded ecological changes observed at Herring Cove Beach (Cape Cod) during Oct '07 - Mar '08.

Warm Winter / 2007 / Reed, wood, data / 72”x60”x72” / This piece translates data from a warm winter period, using data from buoys and weather stations near and on Cape Cod.

Jordan Basin Buoy / 2008 / Reed, data, wood, plaster / 24”x24”x60” / In late summer, Right Whales are often found in large numbers at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Part of a series, this sculpture translates buoy data of a specific location to understand why these animals congregate there.

Georges Bank Buoy / 2008 / Reed, data, wood, plaster / 24”x24”x60” / In late summer, Right Whales are often found in large numbers at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Part of a series, this sculpture translates buoy data of a specific location to understand why these animals congregate there.

Bay of Fundy Buoy / 2008 / Reed, data, wood, plaster / 24”x24”x60” / In late summer, Right Whales are often found in large numbers at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy. Part of a series, this sculpture translates buoy data of a specific location to understand why these animals congregate there.

Twilight, Tides and Whales / 2008 / 36"x24"x24" / Reed, wood, data / This piece translates twilight, tide, moon and whale sightings.

Barometric Pressure: Herring Cove, Cape Cod / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 36”x36”x36’ / This piece looks at the relationship between barometric pressure, cloud cover, soil temperature readings and bird sightings.

Barometric Pressure: Herring Cove, Cape Cod / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 36”x36”x36’ / This piece looks at the relationship between barometric pressure, cloud cover, soil temperature readings and bird sightings.

Temporal Warmth: Tango Between Air, Land and Sea / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 36”x38”x32” / A piece that looks at the relationship between air, water and land temperatures during a 3 month period.

Wind Anemometer: Herring Cove, Cape Cod / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 68”x40”x37” / This sculpture functions as both an anemometer to be used on the beach to measure wind, as well as a sculpture on which collected wind data from Herring Cove Beach is recorded

Bird Migration / 2008 / Reed, wood, data / 72"x60"x60"