These 3D musical scores are interpretations of my 2D scores and are used in collaborations with composers through the Weather Score Project.

Musical Buoy In Search of a New Night/ 2009 / Wood, data, reed / 32"x32"x32" / A 3D musical score of Navigating Into A New Night. NFS

Hurricane Noel / 2010 / Reed, wood, data / 32”x32”x36” / 3D Musical Score of the passing of Hurricane Noel through the Gulf of Maine, Nov 6-8, 2007. SOLD

The Ghostly Crew of the Andrea Gail / 2011 / Reed, wood, data / 72”x36”x60” / This 3D musical score follows the sinking of the Andrea Gail during the Perfect Storm. Each ship mast is a section of the score while the remaining sculpture translates other data related to the event.

To Captain Billy Tyne and His Crew / 2015 / Reed, wood, data / 18”x18”x29” /This 3D musical score is build of weather data that follows the sinking of the Andrea Gail and is dedicated to its crew who perished during the Perfect Storm.

Hurricane Noel III / 2015 / Reed, wood, rope, data / 18”x18"x18" / A 3D musical score of the passing of Hurricane Noel through New England, Nov 2 - 5, 2007, using two weather stations and an ocean buoy as data sources. SOLD

She's Coming on Strong / 2011 / Paper, wood, data / 108”x108”x12” / This piece is a musical score that tracks the paths of both Hurricane Grace and the Halloween Storm, which together created the "Perfect Storm".

The Fifteen Ships of Georges Banks / 2015 / Reed, wood, rope, data / 20”x20"x20" / 3D musical score that juxtaposes the meteorological behaviors of Hurricane Noel as it passed through New England with a fishing shanty called "The Fifteen Ships of Georges Banks". Data sources used are those of an ocean buoy located on Georges Banks and the story of the shanty.

A Duet of Blizzards / 2010 / Wood, paper, data / 60”x96” / A musical score that translates data from two blizzards (Dec 2007 and Feb 1978) that impacted New England.

Urban Prairie Orchestra / 2009 / Reed, wood, data / 72”x180”x180” / This installation translates weather and tornado data I collected during a residency at Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, NE. It is arranged in the format of an orchestra, in which each sculpture “plays” part of the overall score.

Urban Prairie Orchestra - Soprano / 2009 / Reed, wood, data / Part of installation 72"x180"x180"

Urban Prairie Orchestra - Alto / 2009 / Reed, wood, data / Part of installation 72”x180”x180"

Urban Prairie Orchestra - Conductor / 2009 / Reed, wood, data / Part of installation 72”x180”x180"

Shouldering Weather through New Urban Frontiers / 2009 / Wood, reed, data / 45”x45”x27”

External Weather, Internal Storms / 2009 / Reed, wood, data / 33”x40"x60"

Sun Gnomon for Stormy Night – Nov 13-19, 2008 / 2009 / Wood, reed, data / 40”x48”x44” / 3D musical score based on the 2D musical score Stormy Weather, Internal Storm.

The Loneliness of a White Knuckler / 2011 / 32"x32"x54" / 3D musical score of a commute during a blizzard that brought back memories of the Blizzard of '78.