For many years, I’ve been focusing on extreme weather events, particularly floods that are triggered by storms, precipitation and sea level rise. If you are watching this on a phone, turn your phone landscape so you can see the wall pieces in a larger size.

The Burden of Every Drop / 2018 / Wood, paper, rope, data / 17'x10'x1' / This is a story about Hurricane Maria – about the fierceness of the wind and rain, about the data silence as all electrical systems broke down, about the vastly underestimates death toll, about rebuilding and about people leaving the Puerto Rico.

Restless Rivers / 2024 / Paper, wood, data / 30”x23”x23”/ This piece is about recent flooding events that have impacted the San Diego and Los Angeles region due to strong atmospheric rivers. It asks the question of how these events have changed people’s understanding of home, shelter and safety. A restless,, uneasy tension is build by the data as it uses the metaphor of a carousal and spinning toy to nonetheless build a kind of shelter.

Harvey Twitter SOS / 2019 / 7'x9'x1' / This piece translates data related to Twitter messages sent during Hurricane Harvey and the disaster that enfolded in the aftermath.

Sibling Rivalry / 2016 / Paper, wood, fibers, data / 28'x15'x1' / Using human narratives and the weather data of Hurricanes Katrina and Hurricane Sandy, this piece explores the dissonance and co-existence between the physic of weather with the theater of human responses.

A Storm Within A Storm Within A Storm Within / 2018 / Wood, paper, rope, data / 38”x31”x31” / Hurricane Maria was one of several storms and human-made disasters that finally crumbled Puerto Rico. This piece combines weather data from Hurricane Maria and Hurricane Irma, layering both on top of a precarious tower of rafts. NFS

Build Me a Platform, High in the Trees / 2017 / Wood, paper, fiber, data / 20'x13'x1' / The piece is about four different flooding events that caused significant flooding in Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina. In each of these events, the water arrived differently - river flood, sea level rise, storm surge and rain.

Riding the Deluge / 2019 / Paper, wood, data / 27”x24”x22” / This piece translates wind, pressure and rain gauge readings from Houston bayous and reservoirs during Hurricane Harvey. SOLD

The Madness of a Drowning Gambler / 2019 / Rope, paper, wood, plastic, data / 20'x16'x1' / This triptych explores the existential dilemma, in which we are both the source and the victim of extreme weather patterns and sea level rise, focusing on Houston and the coastal areas near Galveston.

The Baton Rouge Flooding / 2019 / Paper, wood, data / 24"x23"x23" / When storms don't become hurricanes, less media attention is placed on them, though their damage can be just as severe. This piece juxtaposes Baton Rouge in 2016 and Houston in 2017.

Changing Lines / 2023 / 10'x9'x1' / The Gulf of Maine is one of the fastest warming waters on the planet. This piece looks at the chemical and biological changes in the waters, with a particular focus on the Bay of Fundy.

Lost Porches / 2016 / Wood, paper, string, data / 55”x28”10” / Many things were lost during Hurricane Katrina, including the porch as a social gathering space for people living in New Orleans. This piece tracks the redevelopment of a small section of the Lower Ninth Ward during the last 10 years.

The Last Show Was For The Bleachers / 2016 / Wood, paper, string, data / 42”x23”x10” / An aerial map of the New Jersey / New York shoreline, this piece translates Hurricane Sandy data. Retired Hurricanes, in the shapes of domino pieces sitting on bleachers, look on as Sandy will soon join them on their benches.