Inspired by Hurricane Sandy, numerical data in these pieces build actual amusement park rides. At the same time, they suggest another narrative of what coastal life might be like in the future living with a changing climate.

The Ride / 2015 / Mixed media, paper, data / 22”x22”x32” / This piece translates data from NJ and NY related to Hurricane Sandy, together building a structure that references the Star Rollercoaster at Seaside Heights and Jane’s Carousel in Brooklyn.

The Last Ride / 2012 / Reed, wood, data / 38”x31”x26” / This piece translates weather and ocean data from Oct 29-30, when Hurricane Sandy took the last ride on the Star Jet Rollercoaster. SOLD

Chutes and Ladders / 2015 / Wood, Paper, data / 14”x18”x20" / Weather and ocean data is translated on amusement park rides that seem to both float on water and mingle together in a chaotic vortex, making reference to a board game of chance.

O Fortuna, Sandy Spins / 2013 / Reed, wood, data / 18”x18”x26” / This piece takes weather and ocean data from Coney Island, NY and Seaside Heights,NJ during Oct 29, when Sandy took a ride on both the Jet Star Roller coaster and Deno's Wonder Wheel. SOLD

She Cast Her Circles Wide / 2016 / Rope, paper, wood, data / 25”x25"x27" / This futuristic amusement park / city on rafts translates data related to Hurricane Sandy from NJ and NY.

The Jet Star of the Future / 2013 / Reed, wood, data / 21”x16”x14” / The Jet Star is a rollercoaster entirely build by data from Hurricane Sandy, while also suggesting a futuristic narrative of what amusement parks might look like in the future. SOLD

The Wavy Jane / 2014 / Reed, wood, data / 45”x40”x23” / This amusement park is built using Hurricane Sandy data, referencing various iconic rides that were destroyed during the storm. SOLD

The Night the Horses Went Wild / 2014 / Paper, wood, data / 11”x11”x10” / Jane’s Carousel in Brooklyn spent a harrowing night through Superstorm Sandy, surrounded by rising waters. The piece translates weather data from the night, as wave heights, tides, winds and the moon all threatened to drown the horses. SOLD

Three Cranes for Jane / 2015 / Paper, wood, data / 26”x20"x20" / This piece translates weather data from Hurricane Sandy, recorded in Seaside Heights, NJ and Brooklyn, NY. While data built the actual rides, a more sinister narrative is suggested by the three cranes in being the essential building structures on which this storm plays itself out.

I Dreamed She’ll Ride Us All Again / 2014 / Reed, wood, rope, data / 24”x24”x28". SOLD