Ian and Nicole is my latest series that looks at the destruction and rebuilding of Daytona Beach after Hurricane Ian and Nicole. If you are watching this on a phone, turn your phone landscape so you can see the wall pieces in a larger size.

Ian and Nicole / 2023 / 12'x9'x1 / Paper, rope, data/ This piece is part musical score, part installation and speaks of the destruction and rebuilding of Daytona Beach after Hurricane Ian and Nicole passed through in Fall 2022.

Ian and Nicole / 2023 / 12'x9'x1 / Paper, rope, data/ Detail

Ian and Nicole / 2023 / 12'x9'x1 / Paper, rope, data/ Detail

Ian and Nicole / 2023 / 12'x9'x1 / Paper, rope, data/ Detail

The Beach Towel Dreams Series / 2024/ each 30”x53”/ Paper, data, tarp/ This collage series explores the rebuilding and reimagining of beach communities in Volusia County, FL, in the aftermath of Hurricane Nicole and Ian.

The Slow Dissection of a Dream Bungalow / 2024 / 30”x53”/ Paper, data, tarp/ This piece follows the slow disintegration of a beach front property from Dec 2022-2024 as beach life came back "to normal".

The Sunshine State, Now and Forever/ 2024 / 30”x53”/ Paper, data, tarp/ This piece translates recent changes in ocean and tide behaviors, despite rebuilding efforts aimed at restoring what was there before.

Nature Does Not Wishful Think/ 2024 / 30”x53”/ Paper, data, tarp/ This piece contemplates recent efforts and consequences in geo-engineering our way towards a more sustainable relationship with climate change.

Fragile Walls / 2024 / 30”x53”/ Paper, data, tarp/ Rebuilding seawalls feels like a fool's errand as the water will always find the next weak link along the fortresses being build on the beach.

That Inexplicable Optimism / 2023 / 60"x47"x4" / Paper, data / An early sculptural musical score sketch, translating weather data from Hurricane Nicole, while witnessing the fast return of beach life.

That Inexplicable Optimism / 2023 / 60"x47"x4" / Paper, data / Detail

Check Mate Under Water / 2023 / 84"x48/ A musical sketch, exploring the idea of Hurricane Ian and Nicole playing chess as they vie to claim the beach and those who live by it.